Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Another Day

Today and yesterday were good days. Very productive. 

Currently I am knitting a dress for my niece Sophie. The pattern I am using is called "Sally" by Sarah Golder and is just great so far.  Yesterday I did the colourwork pattern on the bottom of the dress and considering it is my first time doing two tone colourwork (other than plain stripes), I am quite happy with it.  Half way through it I found I had made a major mistake, so had to frog that section and restart it, but the second time was successful.  Last night I went to Brisbane SnB and knitted a few rows, including starting on the decreasing section.  I hope to do more tonight at QSW&FA. Here is a pic of my colourwork. It's not great, but apparently pretty good for my first time and considering it is in cotton (that's what my knitting friends told me anyway).     
Hopefully it will look even better once it's washed and blocked.

For the last few mornings, I've been really trying to get up early and do the small jobs around the house early while it is still cool(ish), so that I can spend the rest of the day doing whatever I like (knitting and resting mainly).  This morning I was very proud of myself.  I got up at 6:30am and got dressed, had breakfast, put on and out a load of washing, washed up from last night and this morning, (oh, crap, in writing that, I realised I have not brought in the washing, and now it is raining!) tidied the lounge & dining area, cleaned up the Buffet where we keep the phone & usually dump paperwork and other junk, wiped down the bathroom sink and gave the bathroom a general tidy, and looked after my sick boy & called school to tell him he wouldn't be there - all before 9:30am. That is pretty impressive for me. Usually I manage to do maybe one or two of those things in a day.

During today I also made a few important phone calls and have sorted out quite a lot of official stuff, like paying some overdue accounts and ordering myself a Medical Alert USB dog tag necklace (how cool is that?)  and getting our phone number put onto the Do Not Call register.  Am sick of getting telemarketing calls all the time and usually at really annoying times of day - like when I am getting dinner sorted. Have continued to watch over my son, who is now fine & will be going to school tomorrow (he just needed a rest day - it's been a big couple of weeks) and had some rest myself.

I am now playing around on the computer, catching up on emails & facebook and might even have a bit more of a rest before heading to Spinners this evening.  A friend has offered to shout me some dinner from the local Thai place, so I'm going to be a happy camper. :)

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